Bihor-Vlădeasa mountains is located in the West Carpathian, in the center of the Apuseni Mountains

Bihor-Vlădeasa Mnts.
Sights, Bihor-Vlădeasa Mnts.
Hiking trails, Bihor-Vlădeasa Mnts.
Accomodation, Bihor-Vlădeasa Mnts.

Groapa de la Barsa

Google Static Map

GPS Coordinates:
46.59334 N, 22.70368 E

Duration: 2 h excepting the visit of cave
Length: 5 km
Height difference: +150 m / -150m
Note: Easy way, practicable all the year.

The trail starts from the meadow we reach through the yellow cross.

Galbena Ttour

There is a notice-board. We can watch the Focul Viu ice-cave within 30-40 minutes.

Another detour leads to the Galbina cliff, our trail leads us down through a wood, passing a spring and descending to the foot of a 60 m heigh rock, to the Negra cave. Warning: the cave needs proper equipment!

The trail leads through limestones upwards to the 14 m diameter large Black Lake. The trail goes round the lake to the Barsa vertical cave, situated 230 m away.

A newer detour starts from here to the Barsa ice cave and to the Zăpodie cave. The latter one is 7 km, but passable only for professionals. We can go back to the pass, climbing half an hour to a glade, where we find the sign of the main road.

Vărășoaia - Vârtop

From here we can descend to the Bal meadow.

Pietroasa - Padiș

On the way to Padis we find the

Piatra Tâlharului - Padiș Groapa de la Barsa, Photo: Hám Péter Groapa de la Barsa, Photo: Hám Péter
Groapa de la Barsa, Photo: Hám Péter Groapa de la Barsa, Photo: Hám Péter Groapa de la Barsa, Photo: WR Groapa de la Barsa, Photo: Hám Péter Groapa de la Barsa, Photo: WR Focul Viu cave, Photo: Hám Péter Groapa de la Barsa, Photo: Hám Péter Groapa de la Barsa, Photo: Hám Péter Black cave, Photo: Adrian Văduvă
Black cave, Photo: Diana Oprescu Black cave, Photo: Adrian Văduvă Black lake, Photo: Augustin Ardeleanu Black lake, Photo: Adrian Văduvă Black lake, Photo: Tőrös Víg Csaba Black lake, Photo: Adrian Văduvă Barsa ice cave, Photo: Tőrös Víg Csaba Barsa ice cave, Photo: Tőrös Víg Csaba Zapodie cave, Photo: Planivy Speo Club
Zapodie cave, Photo: Tőrös Víg Csaba Bălileasa, Photo: Hám Péter Padis, Photo: WR Bălileasa, Photo: Hám Péter

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