Bihor-Vlădeasa mountains is located in the West Carpathian, in the center of the Apuseni Mountains

Bihor-Vlădeasa Mnts.
Sights, Bihor-Vlădeasa Mnts.
Hiking trails, Bihor-Vlădeasa Mnts.
Accomodation, Bihor-Vlădeasa Mnts.

Ursilor cave tour

Google Static Map

GPS Coordinates:
46.54634 N, 22.58095 E

Height difference:

This blaze connects the Peștera Urșilor cave with the Peștera Măgura cave. As the blaze is incomplete, the path is not visbile everywhere, some serious problems may arise. For this reason we will offer a detailed description of it only after solving this problem.

Măgura cave, Photo: WR Ursilor cave, Photo: Bușe Delu

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