Casa de Piatră is a locality situated in Alba county, with a population of 55 inhabitants.

Casa de Piatră

Coiba Mare cave

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GPS Coordinates:
46.53776 N, 22.77787 E

In a big dolina is the biggest entrance of the Bihor Mountains. It is 74 meter large and 47 meter high! After the entrance we get into a big hall then to a narrower and a larger duct in what flows also a stream. This is the Gardisoara stream's underground section. From here on our progression is ease less due to the lakes and streams of the ducts. After 386 meter the duct ends in a sink-hole. The here sucked in water gets comes out at the Tauz emergence.

From the big hall there goes several ducts a part of them taking to upper stages as the length of the cave is of 5050 m but be carefully! Only experienced cavers should dare to enter the cave and they also have to take with durable light-sources. In the rainy period you have to be pay special attention as some edits get closed! We get back on the way and we go 400 meters more stream-sides. In this way we get to the Small Coiba. As here disappears in a waterfall the water of the Gardisoara.

Coiba Mare cave, Casa de Piatră , Photo: Gergely Iosif Coiba Mare cave, Casa de Piatră , Photo: Gergely Iosif
Coiba Mare cave, Casa de Piatră , Photo: Cristian Ciubotărescu Coiba Mare cave, Casa de Piatră , Photo: Octavian Păun Coiba Mare cave, Casa de Piatră , Photo: Tiberiu Sturek Coiba Mare cave, Casa de Piatră , Photo: Gergely Iosif Coiba Mare cave, Casa de Piatră , Photo: Gergely Iosif Coiba Mare cave, Casa de Piatră , Photo: Tiberiu Sturek Coiba Mare cave, Casa de Piatră , Photo: Octavian Păun Coiba Mare cave, Casa de Piatră , Photo: Octavian Păun Coiba Mare cave, Casa de Piatră , Photo: Gergely Iosif
Coiba Mare cave, Casa de Piatră , Photo: Gergely Iosif Coiba Mare cave, Casa de Piatră , Photo: Gergely Iosif Coiba Mare cave, Casa de Piatră , Photo: Tiberiu Sturek Coiba Mare cave, Casa de Piatră , Photo: Octavian Păun

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