Chișcău is a locality situated in Bihor county, with a population of 701 inhabitants.


Ursilor Cave

Google Static Map

GPS Coordinates:
46.55380 N, 22.56928 E

Visits: Tuesday-Sunday (entrance fee in 2019- adults 30 lei, children 15 lei)
Open hours: 9,00-17,00
Contact: 0040-744-638-244
Spoken language: Romanian, English

The cave was discovered at 17 September, 1975 during an exploding of the Chiscau marble exploitation creating a hole, on which entered in the cave the first man.

The rift was covered then after the exploration of the cave-system a part of it was electrified and the official opening of the cave was at 14 July 1980. It gained the admiration of the people not due to its length but due to the density of its formations. It is 1.5 km long 521 meter of it serving for scientific research and it can't be visited. On the upper, visitable level are seeable those formations photos of which are known all over the world.

Three corridors: the Bear, the Emil Racovita and the Candles corridor takes us to the Candles, the spaghettis, the Emil Racovita and the Bones halls. The 45 minute visit begins with the Bears corridor where were founded several bear (Ursus Spelaeus) bones that haven't lived on Earth for over 100 000 years. The cave is visited annually by 200 000 visitors. The visit to the cave takes 45 minutes.

Access road: DN-76 (Oradea-Deva), at the km 86 (Sudrigiu) turn off to DJ-763, 16km, to Chișcău.

Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: Bușe Delu Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: Bușe Delu
Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: Bușe Delu Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR
Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: Bușe Delu Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR
Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: Bușe Delu Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: Bușe Delu Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR
Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR
Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR Ursilor Cave, Chișcău , Photo: WR

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Accommodation at the Bear Cave

The numbers are indicating the distance to the cave.

0 km

50 m

0.5 km

2.2 km

2.4 km

2.4 km

4.6 km

24 km

29,7 km

44 km

44 km