Bihor-Vlădeasa mountains is located in the West Carpathian, in the center of the Apuseni Mountains

Bihor-Vlădeasa Mnts.
Sights, Bihor-Vlădeasa Mnts.
Hiking trails, Bihor-Vlădeasa Mnts.
Accomodation, Bihor-Vlădeasa Mnts.

Stâna de Vale-Leșu lake hiking trail

Google Static Map

GPS Coordinates:
46.73060 N, 22.64006 E

Duration: 8 1/2 h
Length: 23 km
Height difference: +750 m / -1250 m
Note: Practicable all the year, in the winter with skis

The trail starts from the Izvorul Minunilor, together with the red and yellow zone signs. Before reaching the Aria Vulturilor the red sign leaves us alone.

Stana de Vale-Vărășoaia

Passing the Aria Vulturilor, getting to the Muncelu mountain, the yellow sign also leaves us.

Stana de Vale-Vărășoaia

Here we are guided by

Stâna de Vale tour

We go ahead along with the yellow dot along the ridge and we reach the Raia look-out.

While going under the Piatra Calului the yellow dot also leaves us.

Stâna de Vale tour

Our trail climbs the Piatra Calului, going through the Drăgotanului meadow, passes by the Runc sheep-cote and starts descending from the Stâna de Izvor peak. It goes around the Lupului hill and down the ascent of Salatruc hill to the Lesu lake.

Stâna de Vale, Photo: Hám Péter Stâna de Vale, Photo: Mihai Păcuraru
Stâna de Vale, Photo: Mihai Păcuraru Stâna de Vale, Photo: Hám Péter Stâna de Vale, Photo: Hám Péter Aria Vulturilor, Photo: Hám Péter Aria Vulturilor, Sunset, Photo: Hám Péter Stâna de Vale, Photo: Hám Péter Muncelu, Photo: Hám Péter Muncelu, Photo: Hám Péter Raia, Photo: Vasile Coancă
Raia, Photo: Vasile Coancă Raia, Photo: Vasile Coancă Raia, Photo: Vasile Coancă To the Lesu lake, Photo: Vasile Coancă To the Lesu lake, Photo: Vasile Coancă To the Lesu lake, Photo: Vasile Coancă To the Lesu lake, Photo: Vasile Coancă Stâna de Izvor peak, Photo: Vasile Coancă Leșu lake, Photo: Sorin Stanciu
Leșu lake, Photo: Vasile Coancă Leșu lake, Photo: Sorin Stanciu

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Accommodation in this area (Lesu lake):

The numbers are indicating the distance to the barrage Lesu.

8 km

10 km

12.5 km

12.9 km

13.5 km