Fântânele Lake

Fantanele Lake

Google Static Map

GPS Coordinates:
46.66388 N, 23.05551 E

The dam of the local Fântânele dam, built in 1978, passing the Someșul Cald course is able to retain 225 million cubic meters of water.

The lake Fantanele is situated on the former ambit of Belis. The families were moved on the hill. The only construction that remained entire more or less is the church of the village. Sometime there can be still seen the stone walls.

It is told that in the summer of 2001 it could be filmed the underwater altar and it could be observed that nothing had changed in the interior of the church. Now on the lake circulates a spit-kid that brings us close to the tower of the church.

The lake also forms two tails: one of 7 km, as the other of 2 km. The lake became an appreciated distraction point by those who live in this region and not only.

The divers from abroad come to div, the anglers come to competitions or only from personal initiative. The trip-lovers go by on their way to the Bihor-Vladeasa mountains.

Fantanele Lake , Photo: Hám Péter Fantanele Lake , Photo: Sorin Ciorapciu
Fantanele Lake , Photo: Hám Péter Fantanele Lake , Photo: Iulius Careiba Fantanele Lake , Photo: Hám Péter Fantanele Lake , Photo: Hám Péter Fantanele Lake , Photo: Iulius Careiba Fantanele Lake , Photo: Iulius Careiba Fantanele Lake , Photo: Adrian Văduva Fantanele Lake , Photo: Hám Péter Fantanele Lake , Photo: Iulius Careiba
Fantanele Lake , Photo: Iulius Careiba Fantanele Lake , Photo: Hám Péter Fantanele Lake , Photo: Csupor Jenő Fantanele Lake , Photo: Csupor Jenő Fantanele Lake , Photo: Csupor Jenő Fantanele Lake , Photo: Csupor Jenő Fantanele Lake , Photo: Hám Péter Fantanele Lake , Photo: Hám Péter Fantanele Lake , Photo: Csupor Jenő
Fantanele Lake , Photo: Csupor Jenő Fantanele Lake , Photo: Csupor Jenő Fantanele Lake , Photo: Csupor Jenő Fantanele Lake , Photo: Csupor Jenő Fantanele Lake , Photo: Adrian Văduva Fantanele Lake , Photo: Nicoleta Man Fantanele Lake , Photo: Lucian Daniliuc Fantanele Lake , Photo: Iulius Careiba Fantanele Lake , Photo: Iulius Careiba
Fantanele Lake , Photo: Iulius Careiba Fantanele Lake Fantanele Lake , Photo: Csupor Jenő Fantanele Lake Fantanele Lake , Photo: Csupor Jenő Fantanele Lake , Photo: Csupor Jenő Fantanele Lake , Photo: Iulius Careiba Fantanele Lake , Photo: Iulius Careiba Fantanele Lake , Photo: Iulius Careiba

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Fântânle lake

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Accommodation possibilities in this area:

Sâncraiu 23 km