With three ski slopes, Vârtop is one of the most important winter resorts in the Apuseni Mountains.


Pension Marieta MargaretaMargareta

Google Static Map

GPS Coordinates:
46.51635 N, 22.67834 E

Arieșeni - Vârtop (map)



No. of rooms: 10

No. of beds: 24

Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR
Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR

In ski-period

Room - Prices (Lei)
matrimonial bed
150 150
2 beds
120 120

Outside the ski-period

Room - Prices (Lei)
matrimonial bed
30 60
2 beds
30 60
Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR
Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR

Kitchen access


Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR
Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR Pension Marieta, Vârtop , Photo: WR

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From here start, the marked routes

Vârtop saddle-Ruginoasa Abyss Băița-Vârtop saddle-Arieșeni

7 km away, from Arieșeni goes

Arieșeni-Vârciorog waterfall Arieșeni-Pietroasa Băița-Vârtop saddle-Arieșeni

18 km away, from Gârda de Sus goes 2 pathway to the Pestera Scărișoara

Gârda de Sus-Mununa-Scărișoara Padiș - Gârda de Sus

On this way is the

Poarta lui Ionele cave Ordâncușii Narrow

Informations from the other marked pathways:

Interactive map of Apuseni Mountains Interactive table of Apuseni Mountain's marked pathways

Distance to the sights, situated in this area (max.150km)

10 km

Arieșeni * Accomodation * Wooden church

18 km

Gârda de Sus * Accomodation * Wooden church (1792)

18 km


* Accomodation *

33 km

Vașcău, cave Campaneasca, the periodical emergence

35 km


* Accomodation *

43 km

Albac * Accomodation * Orthodox church Ethnography museum

46 km

Beiuș * Accomodation *

50 km

Horea * Accomodation * Mot house Ethnographic museum Horea memorial house Wooden church, Mătișești

52 km

Vadu Moților * Accomodation * Orthodox church Etnographyc museum Mills Wooden church Lăzești

52 km


57 km


65 km

Avram Iancu - Memorial house and etnographyc museum

65 km

Copăceni, Wooden church

66 km

Hălmagiu Ortodox church The old Ortodox church, from the XII-XIII century.

68 km

Vidra * Accomodation * Wooden church Goiești The snail hill - Nemes village Pisoaia Waterfall - Nemes village The church from Ciungi Gaina mountain

71 km


74 km

Roșia Montana

78 km

Lupsa * Accomodation * Lupșa monastery Stone church built in 1421 Ethnographyc museum

84 km

Țebea, Horea, secular oak, and the grave of Avram Iancu

89 km

Huda of Papapra Cave

91 km

Brad, The Gold Museum

91 km

Hidișelu de Jos, Wooden church

97 km

Băile Felix * Accomodation *

100 km

Băile 1 Mai * Accomodation *

110 km

Scărița-Belioara Reservation

109 km

Oradea * Accomodation *

140 km

Rimetea * Accomodation * Unitarian church Gellei Anna private museum Ida néni private museum Water-mill (1752) The oldest house of the village Folk art museum

From Rimetea a trail travels to the Szekler's Stone 1 1/2 h

Szekler's stone

144 km

Colțești The castle Coltesti Unitarian church Reformed church Catholic church Balázs Janó statue park Folk Art Museum

152 km

Turda with salt mines and old churches. The Turzii Gorge

This sights appears to the interactive maps road

road DN75 Lunca-Turda road DN76 Oradea-Deva