Incești is a locality situated in Alba county, with a population of 71 inhabitants.


Incești, Iancu's House

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GPS Coordinates:
46.36052 N, 22.86607 E

Casa Iancului title kept at all costs by the locals, Avram Iancu's birth place is a wooden house, with two rooms and a porch, with narrow windows, a very high shingle roof, and was built in 1810 by Avram Iancu's father, Alisandru.

The house was left by testament to the Romania people; hence a memorial point was established here ever since 1880. From 1924, the celebration of 100 years from the national hero's birth, upon Astra's interventions, the house was expanded and transformed, according to architect R. Wagner's plans. His Royal Highness, King Ferdinand of Romania also participated in the inauguration of the Memorial Museum, on the 1 st of September 1924.

In 1974 the museum was reorganized, comprising besides objects and documents tied to the family, childhood years and youth of Avram Iancu, other portrays and belongings of his followers, as well as objects of ethnographic significance: national costumes, interior textiles, traditional technical installations.

Iancu Iancu
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Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu
Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu
Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu Iancu
Iancu Iancu Iancu

Open hours:

Tuesday-Sunday 10.00-18.00


Tel : 0040-258-786-065


You can speak with us in: Romanian

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