Lupșa is a locality situated in Alba county, with a population of 624 inhabitants.


Lupsa, Orthodox church

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GPS Coordinates:
46.36859 N, 23.20573 E

St. George's Church in Lupsa, founded by cneaz Candea (sources according to Stanislav's), was built in 1421 (after the last researches, between 1366-1377), being the oldest stone church in the Land of Moti. The church-type church is located on a hill.

The church was built in two stages: in 1421 the nave and altar, and in 1810 the narthex and the bell tower. Between 1810 and 1813 the altar vault and the new iconostasis were made.

The first interior paintings were made in the 15th-17th centuries. In 1750 the ship was painted in Brancoveanu style, and in 1810 with the construction of the tower and the arch altar paintings were made which are seen today.

They preserved icons from the sec. XV, and several old books, including the New Testament from Belgrade in 1640.

The church was under renovation, now it is accessible.

Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR
Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR
Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR
Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR
Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR Stone church, Lupșa , Photo: WR

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