The Vânătările Ponorului reserve is situated in the Bedeleu mountains, being accessible from the road DN75.

Vânătările Ponorului

Vanatarile Ponorului nature reserve

Google Static Map

GPS Coordinates:
46.37090 N, 23.45924 E

The Vânătarea Reservation stretches to the NE of the Bedeleu Mountains in the Trascau Mountains and includes the confluence of three brooks, Dalbina Cave and Vânătara Waterfall. It consists of a large avenue with a depth of 80 m. The high limestone wall in the eastern part of the white-gray color is covered with vandal stripes, which gave the name of the Ponorous Vultures.

To the bottom of the avenues converge the streams, V.Seacă, V.Ponorului and V. Poienii, which after joining enter the Dâlbina cave, cross it and go out through the Huda lui Papară cave. In vertical cave, the streams form key sectors. In heavy rain the water can not be drained and forms a temporary lake.

In the limestone wall below which the waters are lost, a few feet high open the big mouth of the Dâlbina Cave. Poienii valley flows from the south to the north and sinks over the high limestone wall forming a spectacular waterfall hight of 25 m. Upstream of this waterfall, the speleologists from "Emilian Cristea" club, Alba Iulia discovered, explored and cartographed in 1986-88, The 106m deep vertical cave, spectacular but particularly dangerous. Also in the wall of the waterfall was discovered the 16m deep Colmatat vertical cave.

Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: WR Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: WR
Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: WR Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: WR Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: WR Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: WR Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: WR Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: WR Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: WR Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: Csupor Jenő Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: Florin Coman
Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: Florin Coman Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: Csupor Jenő Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: WR Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: Florin Coman Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: WR Waterfall Vanatarile Ponorului, Photo: WR Dâlbina cave, Photo: WR Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: WR Waterfall Vanatarile Ponorului, Photo: WR
Vânătările Ponorului , Photo: Florin Coman Waterfall Vanatarile Ponorului, Photo: Florin Coman

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