Căpleni is a locality situated in Satu Mare county, with a population of 3031 inhabitants.


Căpleni, Catholic church

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GPS Coordinates:
47.71197 N, 22.50255 E

The first church from Căpleni was built in 1080 together with the Benedictine church by leader Kende. In 1241 the church was burnt but in 1242 The Kaplonys rebuilt the entire complex. In 1526-1689 the Turkish damaged the building.

The complex was renovated in 1711-19 by Count Károlyi Sándor the follower of The Kaplonys. At the works finalization he brought Franciscan monks in the monastery. The church was renovated as well. The sanctuary painting since that time is on the chapel wall. The earthquake in 1834 ruined the complex.

The present church and monastery were built in 1848 with the financial support of Count Károlyi György after Ybl Miklós's project. In the sanctuary painting there is Saint Anton from Padua. Under the church there is the crypt of The Károlyis.



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Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR
Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR
Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR
Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR Catholic church, Căpleni , Photo: WR

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