Recea is a locality situated in Sălaj county, with a population of 448 inhabitants.



Google Static Map

GPS Coordinates:
47.19311 N, 22.94699 E

Recea is a small locality located at 2km of Vârșolț. Once here the serfs settled down on the way to Crasna stronghold. Recea property appears in documents since 1270. In the locality there are three churches of 1000 years old, the oldest being the current Reformed Church.

Recea, Sights

Reformed Church Orthodox Church Catholic Church Recea, Reformed Church, Photo: WR Recea, Reformed Church, Photo: WR
Recea, Reformed Church, Photo: WR Recea, Reformed Church, Photo: WR Recea, Reformed Church, Photo: WR Recea, Reformed Church, Photo: WR Recea, Reformed Church, Photo: WR Recea, Reformed Church, Photo: WR Recea, Reformed Church, Photo: WR Recea, Reformed Church, Photo: WR

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