Făgăraș is a locality situated in Brașov county, with a population of 30714 inhabitants.


Reformed church

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GPS Coordinates:
45.84323 N, 24.96730 E

The old Reformed church is located in the nearby of the fortress. In 1704, following the kuruc attack, the defenders crippled the church, so that noone would see into the fortress from the tower.

Gróf Teleki József started building the new Reformed church in 1715. They preserve the carved stone pulpit and thes stone door post. Teleki József dies in 1735 and the building process is seen through to its end in 1740 by Teleki's wife, Bethlen Kata. Teleki József married Bethlen Kata in 1722.

The child with Haller István, his first husband, was taken from her side by the pope of Fagaras, in order to protect him from reformation. He did the same with the child from her second marriage. The countess who remained alone adopted the name Árva (Orphan) and dedicated her life to religion, charity and science. She helped building 20 churches, founded schools, helped in educating the poor. She taught women to embroider and sew. The inscription on Bethlen Kata's grave, located in front of the tower, was written by Bod Péter. Inside the church the pulpit and the Lord's Table is covered with what used to be Betlen Kata's wedding dress, embroidered by herself.

Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR
Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR
Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR
Reformed church, Făgăraș , Photo: WR

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