The Albioarei gorge from the Roșia Valley are 2.6 km long.

Cutilor gorge

Canta cave, Pădurea Craiului Mountains

Google Static Map

GPS Coordinates:
46.83575 N, 22.39799 E

The singsong cave can be found on the left side of the Cuților Narrows. It is 162m long. The entrance is suspended with 3-4 m above the valley's channel. After 5m from the entrance the access gallery suddenly ends above a 6m deep sloping well, and at its basis a circular corridor develops.

From this corridor 2 galleries detach; the one on the right leads into a large circular corridor, able to hold a lake. From here start 5 galleries, active with duct, temporarily active or with no water. Due to its location,that is under the channel's course,it communicates with the channel and with the Roșia Toplița fount.

Canta cave, Photo: Tőrös Víg Csaba Canta cave, Photo: Tőrös Víg Csaba
Canta cave, Photo: Tőrös Víg Csaba Canta cave, Photo: Tőrös Víg Csaba Canta cave, Photo: Tőrös Víg Csaba Canta cave, Photo: Tőrös Víg Csaba Canta cave, Photo: Tőrös Víg Csaba Canta cave, Photo: Bíró Zoltán Canta cave, Photo: Tőrös Víg Csaba Canta cave, Photo: Tőrös Víg Csaba Canta cave, Photo: Tőrös Víg Csaba
Canta cave, Photo: Bíró Zoltán Canta cave, Photo: Bíró Zoltán Canta cave, Photo: Tőrös Víg Csaba

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