Valea Mănăstirii is a locality situated in Alba county, with a population of 166 inhabitants.

Valea Mănăstirii

Râmeț gorge

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GPS Coordinates:
46.29550 N, 23.46648 E

This wild valley can be approached from Tovis. 18 kilometers away from the city you reach the hermits' monastery, from where the road travels 6 more kilometers into the valley. 45 minutes away from the hostel you'll get to the lower end of the chop. The blue cross can be clearly seen on the rock but even without that the chances of getting lost are slight. The road chopes smaller caves and huge fallen rocks. After a while you'll reach a quieter place were you can see the Portal, what is left of the entrance of a collapsed cave.

The path goes round the Portal towards the valley's most narrow section, the La Cuptor cauldron. Here the path becomes rougher. One can choose between: going forward, but then swimming is inevitable, or crossing the water and climbing the Goat's path to the plateau and then following the marked routes in the Torozko mountains, or climbing to the entrance of the gorge.

Even those who decide to turn back will see another face of the valley… if you happen to be there in May and you fancy a stroll… start at the end of the chop, following the yellow cross on the right bank of the creek, on the Drumul Narciselor (Daffodils Road)… the view and the path will be magnificent… and even the daffodils will bloom.

Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR
Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR
Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR
Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR Râmeț gorge, Valea Mănăstirii , Photo: WR

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