Copșa Mică is a locality situated in Sibiu county, with a population of 5404 inhabitants.

Copșa Mică

Copșa Mică, Cartholic church

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GPS Coordinates:
46.11917 N, 24.26294 E

Copsa Mica became famous for the pollution of the environment. Its inhabitants have built a Catholic church since 1415. The faithful under the influence of the reformed stream became Lutherans, along with the church. In 1760 many returned to Catholicism, and in 1772 they occupied the church. After the scandal arose, the representative of the Habsburg Empire repaired the Lutheran residence. Catholics in 1779 built the current church and a school, which in 1918 was handed over to the state. Eight years later, in 1926, their attempts to restitution failed.

Copșa Mică, Cartholic church, Photo: Tudor Seulean Copșa Mică, Cartholic church, Photo: Varga Vince
Copșa Mică, Cartholic church, Photo: Varga Vince Copșa Mică, Cartholic church, Photo: Varga Vince Copșa Mică, Cartholic church, Photo: Varga Vince Copșa Mică, Cartholic church, Photo: Varga Vince Copșa Mică, Cartholic church, Photo: Varga Vince Copșa Mică, Cartholic church, Photo: Varga Vince Copșa Mică, Cartholic church, Photo: Varga Vince Copșa Mică, Cartholic church, Photo: Varga Vince Copșa Mică, Cartholic church, Photo: Varga Vince
Copșa Mică, Cartholic church, Photo: Varga Vince Copșa Mică, Cartholic church, Photo: Varga Vince

Contact: 0040-740-270-529, 0040-269-847-059

You can speak with us in:

Hungarian, Romanian

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