Aleșd is a locality situated in Bihor county, with a population of 7486 inhabitants.


Aleșd, Battyhány castle

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GPS Coordinates:
47.06005 N, 22.39370 E

Batthányi-Bethlen Castle was built by Batthányi József in the first half of the 19th century. The niece, Batthány Vilma in 1887, marries Bethlen Aladár, hence the name of the castle. The young people did not live long in Alesd, in 1920 they were forced to flee abroad.

The estate with the castle was sold, the new owners became the sons of the Peșteana priest, the Iacob brothers. The family receive from the bank the necessary money to buy. In 1948 the castle was nationalized by the Iacob brothers.

Meanwhile, in a wing of the castle, an Orthodox chapel was set up, where the services were held until the Orthodox church was built in 1939. During communism, the building became the headquarters of the district, and after the dissolution in the castle rooms, workshops were built.

The building went into degradation. The change brought the relocation here to the hospital. In the year 2000 the building was renovated. At the entrance there is a beautifully forged iron gate, unfortunately the Batthány family blazon disappeared. Above the entrance there is a wrought-iron roof. On the west side you can see a beautiful patio supported by seven pillars.

Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR
Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR
Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR
Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR Aleșd, Battyhány castle, Photo: WR

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