Mediaș is a city in Sibiu County and has 45.879 inhabitants.


Mediaș, Ninorite church and monastery

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GPS Coordinates:
46.16889 N, 24.35264 E

The ninorites settled here in 1444. Their church and monastery was built in the XVth century. In 1556 because of the pressure that the town folks and mayor put on the ninorites, they had to leave the town.

For one hundred years the place was used for stables, the damage made was indescribable. In 1699 the town senate after restoring the monastery turns it into a hospital, the church becomes the hospital church. In 1721 the Hapsburgs give the church back to the roman-catholic church. The church had been built in gothic style, its length was 28 meters, its width 12.5 meters. The bell-tower is part of the castles defense. Its three storeys are full with loopholes. On the south side of the church there is a chapel which was renovated in 1742 and turned into a charnel-house.

The altar was made in rococo style in 1742, the inside decorations are also made in rococo and baroque styles. The church holds very valuable artifacts, for example, here you can see the Panade waif, the Seica Mica waif which contains 348 roman coins, ceramic objects etc.

Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Nagy Adél Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Narcis Moraru
Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Narcis Moraru Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Florin Acaju Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Szegő József Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Nagy Adél Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Szegő József Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Szegő József Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Szegő József Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Szegő József Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Szegő József
Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Nagy Adél Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Szegő József Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Szegő József Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Szegő József Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Szegő József Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Szegő József Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Szegő József Ninorite church and monastery, Photo: Narcis Moraru



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English, Romanian, Hungarian, Germain

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