Țicău is a locality situated in Maramureș county, with a population of 914 inhabitants.


Țicău, Orthodox church

Google Static Map

GPS Coordinates:
47.44338 N, 23.30283 E

The Orthodox Church from Țicău was built in 1908 from the orthodox Christians' money. Over the years it was upgraded. In 1973 it was renovated ant they introduced the electricity. The current appearance was conferred in 2003-2007.

In this period it passed through a capital renovation, the walls were consolidated with concrete pillars and the interior painting was renewed, work made by Coroian Victor from Vicea. The belfry near the church was built in 2009 when the bells were put down from the church's tower and mounted here.



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Romanian, French

Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR
Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR
Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR Orthodox church, Țicău , Photo: WR

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