Seini is a locality situated in Maramureș county, with a population of 7501 inhabitants.


Seini, Catholic school

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GPS Coordinates:
47.74852 N, 23.28380 E

Kalcsó János Catholic priest in Seini between 1753-1790, claimed that the town had reformed school just before training parish priest having as Szászsebesi Samuel. The subjects taught were: writing, reading, bible, catechism, counting, and a bit of history. In 1777 the school had 2 halls, of which the teacher lived in one. Later there was also a school of institutes. The Catholic School functioned until 1920.

Catholic school, Seini , Photo: WR Catholic school, Seini , Photo: WR
Catholic school, Seini , Photo: WR Catholic school, Seini , Photo: WR Catholic school, Seini , Photo: WR Catholic school, Seini , Photo: WR Catholic school, Seini , Photo: WR Catholic school, Seini , Photo: WR

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