Tîrgu Mureș is the capital city of Mureș County and has 133.124 inhabitants.

Tîrgu Mureș

Tîrgu Mureș, Latinity Memorial

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GPS Coordinates:
46.54288 N, 24.55775 E

After the first W.W. Italy handselled Romania with 5 Romulus and Remus statue id est Latinity Memorial. The "original copy" of Targu Mures got to Turda during the second W.W. and now it is still there. We may see that ones copy in front of the county-hall.

Latinity Memorial, Târgu Mureș· Latinity Memorial, Târgu Mureș·, Photo: Takács Tibor
Latinity Memorial, Târgu Mureș· Latinity Memorial, Târgu Mureș·

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